Number of articles: 24

Catechesis on the Holy Spirit

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on how the Holy Spirit guides the Church (2024), downloadable as a free eBook.

Novena to Tomás Alvira and Paquita Domínguez

eBook of a novena to ask for favors or help through the intercession of Tomás Alvira and Paquita Domínguez, a married couple whose cause of canonization is underway.

Other resources

Catechesis on Vices & Virtues

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on vices and virtues (2024), downloadable as a free eBook.

eBook: "Unity and Love for the Good Shepherd"

A new ebook in celebration of Pope Francis' birthday on 17 December. Christian unity is a participation in the unity of love among the Persons of the Blessed Trinity. On earth, this unity of love is realized through affective and effective union with the Roman Pontiff. In Opus Dei, as part of the Church, it is also expressed through filiation with the Prelate.

Catechesis on Apostolic Zeal

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on apostolic zeal and evangelization (2023-2024), downloadable as a free eBook.

Catechesis on Discernment

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on discernment (2022-2023), downloadable as a free eBook.

Catechesis on Old Age

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on the meaning and value of old age (2022), downloadable as a free eBook.

Catechesis on Saint Joseph

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on St. Joseph (2021-2022), downloadable as a free eBook.

Catechesis on the Letter to the Galatians

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on St. Paul's letter to the Galatians (2021), downloadable as a free eBook.

Catechesis on Prayer

A collection of Pope Francis’ audiences on prayer (2020-2021), downloadable as a free eBook.