Number of articles: 9

The Ascension of the Lord

This Sunday, 21 May, we commemorate Jesus Christ's ascension to heaven after promising his disciples to send them the Holy Spirit.

Interior Struggle (Palm Sunday)

A Palm Sunday homily given by St. Josemaría on 4 April 1971, published in "Christ is Passing By."

The Ascension of our Lord: audio of homily by Saint Josemaria

Audio recording of a homily by Saint Josemaria given on 19 May 1966 and published in "Christ is Passing By." Available in mp3 format.

The Great Unknown (audio version)

A downloadable audio version of St Josemaria’s homily “The Great Unknown,” given on Pentecost Sunday, May 25, 1969 and published in in the book "Christ is Passing By."

God is here

Audio in English of the Christmas homily: "Christ Triumphs Through Humility", given by St Josemaria on December 24, 1963. Published in Christ Is Passing By.

St. Josemaría, a Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 2)

The Christian’s response, says St. Josemaría, should be “to drown evil in an abundance of good” and to open wide one’s arms to all humanity as did Jesus Christ the priest. In this second part of a study published in the journal Romana,we will consider some key ideas from the homily “Christian Respect for Persons and their Freedom” and the practice of forgiveness in contemporary society in striving to foster a culture of peace.


The sorrows and joys of St Joseph

Palmira Laguens


Ending hunger

Las Gravileas, a training center for women, has worked for sixteen years running intensive technical and business training programs for destitute women.

Christ Is Passing By

In 1973, Saint Josemaría prepared this book, drawing on his abundant preaching. It consists of 18 sermons preached between 1951 and 1971 that follow the feasts of the liturgical year, from Advent to the Solemnity of Christ the King