"Mary is present in these days of the pandemic"
In his 24 March general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer, speaking about prayer in communion with Mary.
"Come Holy Spirit, teach me to pray"
Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer in his 17 March general audience, speaking about prayer and the Holy Trinity.
"Pray in every moment, in every situation"
Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer in his 10 February general audience, focusing on the topic of "praying in daily life."
"Christ is the Protagonist in the liturgy"
In his 3 February general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer, speaking about the encounter with Christ in the liturgy.
"The Holy Scriptures are an inexhaustible treasure"
In his 27 January general audience Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer, focusing on "praying with Sacred Scripture."
"Unity is a gift, it is a grace to be requested through prayer"
In his 20 January general audience, Pope Francis spoke about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and the need to beseech God humbly for this gift.
The Prayer of Praise
Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer in his 13 January general audience, speaking about the need to imitate Jesus in his praise for God the Father.
"Have the certainty that you are loved"
In his 30 December general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer, focusing on the prayer of thanksgiving.
The Prayer of Intercession
"To pray is to be a bit like Jesus: to intercede in Jesus to the Father, for others." Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer in his 16 December general audience.
"Prayer of petition arises from accepting our nature as creatures"
Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer in his 9 December general audience, speaking about the prayer of petition.