Number of articles: 320

Letter from the Prelate (12 August 2020)

Faith helps us to discover the good present in every situation, also when they are painful. As Monsignor Ocáriz reminds us, with words of Saint Paul, "in everything God works for good with those who love him.”

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (20 July 2020)

Faced with the experience of our own vulnerability, Monsignor Ocáriz reminds us that Christ chose his disciples knowing very well their weaknesses and past mistakes, but also knowing that they would have the strength of the Holy Spirit to assist them.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Prelate's Homily for Feast of Saint Josemaria

The Eucharist, the aspiration "omnia in bonum" (everything is for the good!), and the sense of mission are the three topics of the homily at the Mass in the Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace in Rome (26 June 2020).

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Letter from the Prelate (19 June 2020)

On the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Monsignor Ocáriz invites us to ask our Lord for a heart like His, so that we can bring peace to those around us.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"Holiness Through Work": A Book With Reflections By The Prelate

Edited by Maria Aparecida Ferrari, it includes a discussion between Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz and scholars regarding St. Josemaría’s teachings on work.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Audio Meditation of the Prelate: "Mary's Friendship"

In this second meditation for the month of May, Monsignor Ocáriz recommends looking at Mary as a model of how to be a better friend.

Prelate of Opus Dei

Letter from the Prelate (15 May 2020)

As the lockdown begins to be lifted in many places, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz encourages us to show others the attractiveness of being Christ's disciple with our own lives.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Audio Meditation of the Prelate: "Mother of God and our Hope"

For the month of May, here is an audio (in both Spanish and English) and transcript of a meditation by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz about the role of our Lady in our Christian life.

Prelate of Opus Dei

The Work of Caring for the World

On the feast of St. Joseph the Worker and International Workers’ Day in Europe, "Aleteia" has published an article by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz about the true meaning of work as service to others.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Letter from the Prelate (29 April 2020)

With the month of May about to begin, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz invites us to unite ourselves to the Pope's intentions through recourse to the intercession of our Lady.

Pastoral Letters and Messages