Number of articles: 465

God's Mercy Towards the People of Israel

In his January 27 general audience, Pope Francis spoke about God's mercy as shown in the Old Covenant with the Jewish people.

From the Church and the Pope

Communication and Mercy

"How I wish that our own way of communicating may never suggest a prideful and triumphant superiority over an enemy." Message of Pope Francis for 50th World Communications Day.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope's General Prayer Intention for January

Pope Francis has asked all Catholics to pray for this intention in January: “That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice.”

From the Church and the Pope

"The joy of forgiveness"

In his homily at the Mass on 27 December for the feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis stressed the "great formative role played by the family in the pilgrimage of everyday life."

From the Church and the Pope

Jubilee of Mercy: Opening of Holy Door

On December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door in Saint Peter's to begin the Year of Mercy. With the Pope's homily from the Mass.

From the Church and the Pope

Apostolic Visit to Africa: Homilies and Addresses

All of Pope Francis' homilies and addresses during his 25-30 November trip to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic.

From the Church and the Pope

"I always keep two things in my pocket"

At the meeting with young people in Nairobi, Kenya on 27 November, Pope Francis revealed what keeps him going in difficult moments: the Rosary and small "Way of the Cross" that he always carries with him. With some reactions from those who saw him during his visit.

From the Church and the Pope

Free eBook to Prepare for the Year of Mercy

Pope Francis has convoked an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy which starts on 8 December. The Opus Dei Information Office has put together a free eBook to help people prepare for this holy year.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Francis' Trip to 3 African Countries

Links to addresses and homilies during Pope Francis' 5-day apostolic visit to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic.

From the Church and the Pope

"A simple secret to healing wounds"

In his November 4 general audience, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of forgiving others in the context of the family: "it is precisely in receiving forgiveness from God that we in turn are capable of forgiving others."

From the Church and the Pope