Number of articles: 497

I Came Across Her Prayer Card

I am very impressed with Dora. About three weeks ago, I came across her prayer card in a chapel and I said to myself, "If I feel like I'm 'in a hole' for how bad I feel, then what could be better than to pray to Dora 'del Hoyo' (Spanish for 'of the hole')." I even started to use her name as a password, to remind myself to pray to her.


Favors received through Fr. Jose Maria's intercession

Some of the many favors that have been received by those who have gone to the intercession of Fr. Jose Maria Hernandez Garnica


Dora and My Family

Minette is from Canada. "One day at an Opus Dei Centre in Vancouver, I found a prayer card (similar to St. Josemaria's prayer card that I am familiar with), but with a different picture - a picture of a lady named 'Dora'. I read it, and certain phrases struck me... 'work at the same tasks as the Blessed Virgin Mary in Nazareth' and 'spread all around me the family warmth... cheerful, selfless work...'."


One Like Us on the Way to Sainthood

I met Dora in 1995, when domestic work was far from my life and even farther from my mind. Dora and I happened to coincide on two occasions in particular in a period of about two months time. This however was enough for me to realize how she was, how she lived, for whom and why she had spent her days giving of herself to the full. There was no need for long explanations to grasp the meaning of her existence. Dora knew the meaning of her life and the path to achieve it to the full.


An Impossible Passport Situation

In July of 2011, I began the process of renewing my passport which was to expire in October. For the first time, I was being asked for certain documents that could only be obtained in the country where I was born. But this only became clear after the passport had already expired, a fact which prevented me from traveling to obtain the documents I needed.


Time For Others

"Diligence is a virtue that especially characterized Dora," recalls Ma. Carmen Cominges, "She really knew how to maximize her time. It was typical to hear her say, 'As I have a few minutes to spare, I'm going to take advantage of them.'"

Life and Stories

Everything I Was Looking For

One morning, I went out shopping for some work tools at a shopping center where I expected to find everything. But after 3 hours, I had only found one of the items I was looking for.


Favors received through Encarnita's intercession

Seeking the intercession of men and women who have died with a reputation for holiness is a common practice in the Catholic Church. Examples of favors received through the intercession of Encarnita follow.


News about Encarnita Ortega's Cause

​In February 2014, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints granted the Decree of Validity for the Process and the Positio is now being drawn up.


Biography of Encarnita Ortega

In 1941 she attended a retreat preached by St. Josemaria Escrivá in Alaquas (Valencia) and received from God the grace of a vocation to Opus Dei.

Life and Stories