Number of articles: 497

Pain in My Right Knee

A favor shared by someone who sought Guadalupe's intercession after feeling a sharp pain in their knee.


Blessed Alvaro and my Wedding

May 12 is the liturgical feast of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. A recent favor from Kenya received through his intercession.


Recovery from a Work Accident

I was in an accident and it looked like I might not be able to return to ordinary life. So, I asked Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri for help.


Funds for a Research Project

Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri was declared Venerable by Pope Francis on 4 May 2017. A recent favor obtained through her intercession.


"We are on the threshold of Holy Week"

March 23 is the twenty fourth anniversary of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's death. An excerpt from a letter he sent to the faithful of the Prelature on April 1, 1993.


Guadalupe's Help in Paying Back a Debt

While under pressure to pay a debt, I learned that Guadalupe had been declared venerable.


A Well-Paying Job

"Ever since I started working again, I knew my new job was a special favor from Isidoro. I consider writing this letter a duty of justice. And I had been putting it off for lack of time..."


Tomás Alvira, Father of a family

There can be no better gift for a father… than the grateful love of a son. That affection grows and matures with years and becomes even more deeply rooted when the father has gone, even though he is known to be nearer and more active than ever. Rafael Alvira, a son before a philosopher, considered at the death of his father the legacy he received.


A 90th Birthday Celebrated in Heaven

Dora del Hoyo died on January 10, 2004, just a day before turning 90 years old. Here are some examples of people who have received favors through her intercession.


Montse: an Example for Young People

For the upcoming Synod of Bishops on "Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment,” Venerable Montse Grases is highlighted on the Synod's webpage as an example of fruitful self-giving to God.
