Number of articles: 497

It was just 3 questions...

"I want to thank God and Guadalupe for showing me that miracles not only happen to other people, but can also happen to me."


Guadalupe Ortiz: The Story of Zurbaran

Guadalupe did not have much experience to lean on at a time where women were just beginning to embark on new adventures professionally. In this context, Guadalupe undertook the task of directing Zurbarán, the first women’s university residence of Opus Dei in the world. Guadalupe did not exactly know what she was doing, but she rolled up her sleeves and got down to work.

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Guadalupe Ortiz: Energy, Vocation and Interior Life

"The adventure of holiness begins with a yes to God" (John Paul II). Sometimes life surprises us in unimaginable ways. This certainly happened to Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri. An unexpected turn of events allowed her to meet Saint Josemaría Escriva in 1944, marking a turning point in her life. God changed her plans and invited her to collaborate in a project that would occupy her heart, mind and soul for the rest of her life.

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Guadalupe Ortiz: A Chemist Saint

A constant throughout Guadalupe's life was her passion for chemistry and scientific research. At the time she began her chemistry studies in 1933, there were very few women in universities, and almost none in the sciences. Starting in 1944, although her commitment to Opus Dei would lead her to dedicate a lot of her time and talents to imparting Christian formation, she never stopped researching chemistry and studying with scientific curiosity.

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Guadalupe Ortiz: Her Life in 60 seconds

On 18 May 2019, Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri will be beatified by the Catholic Church. Here is a one-minute summary of her life.

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Guadalupe Ortiz: Crossing the Atlantic

In 1950, Guadalupe Ortiz moved to Mexico to start Opus Dei's apostolic work there, leaving behind everything she had ever known. In five years, her heart was won over by a new land and its people.

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An App to Participate in Guadalupe's Beatification

This app provides help to prepare for and participate digitally in Guadalupe's beatification ceremony on May 18th.


Exposition about Guadalupe for Young People

Made up of twelve panels available in English with the main milestones in her life, it could be set up in schools or parishes.


Guadalupe's Impact in Mexico

Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri was one of the first women of Opus Dei to come to Mexico. She was only in Mexico for six years, but it gave her enough time to start a student residence in Mexico City, a retreat center in Montefalco, and a school in Culiacán. Guadalupe will be declared blessed on May 18, 2019, in Madrid, Spain.

Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri

"Guadalupe: The Freedom of Loving"

A brief biograpahy of Guadalupe Ortiz, who will be beatified on May 18, has just been published in English.
