Christmas with the Prelate

God who has become a Child loves us "with all the infinity of his love," Bishop Javier Echevarria said, speaking at the Christmas celebration in Rome.

God who has become a Child loves us "with all the infinity of his love," Bishop Javier Echevarria said, speaking at the Christmas celebration in Rome.

"How easy it is to love this God! He is infinite, and has found a way to come to us as a defenseles Baby, as St Josemaría said, so that we can relate to him trustingly and dare to talk to him without wondering if we are bothering him, and also so that we will want to set him at the summit of our poor souls, because he even lends himself to that, our Lord who is all goodness and kindness.

Think how he has taken our human nature, comes to us as a little Baby, showing how much he loves us by making that leap from his infinite heaven to this poor world of ours. 

And he stays here with us, loving us with all the infinity of his love. 

So it makes sense for us to learn from his example to spend our lives with God.

Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas with this Child!"

December 24, 2011
