Number of articles: 4714

Meditations: Saturday of the Second Week of Advent

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this time of preparation for our Lord's imminent arrival at Christmas.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Friday of the Second Week of Advent

Some reflections that can assist our prayer as we prepare for our Lord's coming at Christmas.

Fostering Interior Life

Letter from the Prelate (Christmas 2023)

The Prelate of Opus Dei asks us to accompany during the Christmas season those who are suffering because of wars or poverty.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Ernesto Cofiño Declared Venerable

Guatemalan, husband and father of five, he was a pioneer in pediatrics in Guatemala.


Prelate: “Ernesto Cofiño was leaven that transformed his environment”

Words of the Prelate of Opus Dei upon learning of Pope Francis' decision on the decree of heroic virtues for the Guatemalan Ernesto Cofiño.

From the Prelate

Meditations: Thursday of the Second Week of Advent

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Advent.

Fostering Interior Life

Interview with the Postulator for the Cause of Ernesto Cofiño

Interview with Fr. Santiago Callejo, postulator of the cause for Ernesto Cofiño, on the occasion of the authorization for the promulgation of the decree on his heroic virtues.


Biography of Ernesto Cofiño: A Life of Service

Ernesto Cofiño (1899-1991), Guatemalan, studied medicine in Paris. He is considered the father of pediatrics in Guatemala. He married Clemencia Samayoa in 1933 and they had five children. He worked in favor of the neediest people, trained thousands of university students and was recognized for his scientific contributions. He sought to live close to God, praying daily and offering Him his work. He discovered his vocation to Opus Dei in 1956. His process of canonization began in 2000.

Life and Stories

Timeline of Ernesto Cofiño's cause for canonization

On the occasion of the promulgation of the decree on Ernesto Cofiño's heroic virtues, here is a timeline of the main steps in his cause for canonization.


Meditations: Wednesday of the Second Week of Advent

Some reflections that can enrich our prayer during this season of Advent.

Fostering Interior Life