Number of articles: 4688

Beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in Madrid

A Rome Reports video on the upcoming beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in Madrid on September 27, 2014.


Topic 39: Prayer

Prayer is absolutely necessary for our spiritual life. It is, as it were, the “breathing” that permits the life of the spirit to develop.

Doctrinal Articles

Christians in the middle of the world

Opus Dei has around 90,000 members, both men and women. 98% are laypeople, most of whom are married. The remaining 2% are priests.

Opus Dei

Topic 40: "Our Father who art in heaven"

"If we pray the Our Father sincerely, we leave individualism behind, because the love that we receive frees us from it. The ‘our’ at the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer, like the ‘us’ of the last four petitions, excludes no one."

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 37: Eighth Commandment

With the grace of Christ, who is the Truth, Christians can live a life governed by truth.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 38: Ninth and Tenth Commandments

These two commandments help us to live holy purity (the ninth) and detachment from material goods (the tenth) in our thoughts and desires.

Doctrinal Articles

Letter from the Prelate on the Beatification

With the announcement of the date and place for Alvaro del Portillo's beatification, the Prelate of Opus Dei has written a brief letter.


Centennial of Dora del Hoyo's Birth

Trailer from a new documentary about the life of Dora del Hoyo, who was born on January 11, 1914 and whose cause of canonization was opened in 2012.


Trapped in London

A few months ago I was trapped in London. A cloud of volcanic ash caused the cancellation of all flights in Europe.


In a blizzard

My parents pray for me and my family daily. They are the parents of 7 and grandparents of 32 and great grandparents of 7. They received the prayer card of Don Alvaro from a dear friend.