Number of articles: 4713

An Optimistic Apostolate

"Prayer is the lever that moves the Most Merciful Heart of our Saviour," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo assures us, in a Letter written in 1990.


Letter from the Prelate (July 2014)

The Prelate suggests that, besides intensifying our prayer, we can also prepare very well for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo by carrying out works of mercy.

Pastoral Letters and Messages


In a get-together in Hong Kong in 1987, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo assures us that drawing close to God always results in a deeper joy.


Harambee Social Projects and the Beatification

Harambee Africa International, in conjunction with the organizing committee for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo, is inviting people to assist four African social and educational initiatives begun by Bishop Alvaro del Portillo.


Sanctifying with our Work

“Sanctity, for the vast majority of people, implies sanctifying their work, sanctifying themselves in it, and sanctifying others through it,” the Founder of Opus Dei tells us.

Fostering Interior Life

Prelate: "Resentment can ruin the heart"

In the Mass celebrated in the basilica of Sant’Eugenio in Rome for the feast of Saint Josemaria, the Prelate of Opus Dei spoke about the need to forgive others and to be forgiven by God.

From the Prelate

Venerable Alvaro del Portillo Newsletter No 4 (2014)

A newsletter containing the decree declaring the heroic virtue of Alvaro del Portillo and the decree and the details of the miracle paving the way to his beatification.


The Christian's Hope

A downloadable audio and pdf version of St Josemaria’s homily The Christian's Hope”, published in the book Friends of God.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

A Life of Prayer

A downloadable audio and pdf version of St Josemaria’s homily “Life of Prayer”, published in the book Friends of God.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Activities in Rome Related to Alvaro del Portillo's Beatification

From September 29 to October 2, pilgrims to Rome will be able to pray before the body of the new blessed. Two Roman basilicas will host Masses of thanksgiving.
