Number of articles: 4697

Pain in My Right Knee

A favor shared by someone who sought Guadalupe's intercession after feeling a sharp pain in their knee.


"What happens to my freedom if I surrender it to God and, for his sake, to others?"

Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz at the Mass celebrated for the liturgical feast of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, in Rome.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Restore to Me the Joy of Your Salvation

An article on mercy and conversion, written for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church. "The realization of the harm done by his sin – against God, others, and himself – leads David to seek refuge and healing in God."

Fostering Interior Life

Blessed Alvaro and my Wedding

May 12 is the liturgical feast of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo. A recent favor from Kenya received through his intercession.


Message from the Prelate (May 10, 2018)

In this month of May, the Prelate asks us to go to our Lady, Mother of priests, to pray for all the world’s priests.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Consecrating Opus Dei to the Holy Spirit

In 1971, Saint Josemaria decided to consecrate Opus Dei to the Holy Spirit, realizing how much the Church needed all her members to be holy. He himself composed the prayer of consecration, which is renewed in all Opus Dei centers every year.

Stories from His Life

Leaving Opus Dei

People join, remain in, and leave Opus Dei freely

Opus Dei

31 New Priests from 15 Countries

On Saturday May 5, Cardinal Robert Sarah ordained 31 priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei in Saint Eugene's Basilica in Rome. "We ask the Lord to send us many holy priests," he said.

Recent News

Cardinal Sarah's Homily at Ordination of 31 Priests

"Contemporary man goes to the priest seeking Christ," Cardinal Robert Sarah said in his homily at the May 5 ordination ceremony for 31 new priests of the Prelature.

Recent News

Happy Whenever God Calls Our Children

Professor Fabian Okafor shares his joy on the ordination of his son Pedro as a priest of Opus Dei.

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