Number of articles: 4705

Pope Francis Receives the Prelate

On Saturday May 26, at 10 am, the Holy Father received Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei, in an audience.

From the Prelate

Working on Trust (3): "Mom, can I have a cell phone?"

At what age should children begin to have their own cell phone? How can parents guide their children's use of this technology? The third episode of "Working on Trust," a video series that seeks to help parents in educating their children.

Recent News

Citiwise: Helping Irish Youth Excel

Citywise is an educational program in Dublin helping young people from difficult city backgrounds to aim high in life. It is inspired by the message of Saint Josemaria.

Social initiatives

"The Church is always the youthful bride"

In his homily on Pentecost, Pope Francis said: "the Church is always the youthful bride with whom the Lord is madly in love. Let us never tire of welcoming the Spirit into our lives, of invoking him before everything we do."

From the Church and the Pope

"Our Lives in His Hands": New Biography of the Alviras

Mary Ann Glendon has written the foreword for Olga Marlin's biography of Tomàs and Paquita Alvira, a married couple with nine children whose cause of canonization is underway.


"Closer to God, more capable of acting as a priest should"

Fr. Steven John Szakaczki is a priest in Saint Lawrence Martyr Church, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.

Personal testimonies

“Once I put God first, all the rest falls into place”

Nina Lagdameo, married, 55 years old, talks about integrating a demanding professional career with raising three children.

Personal testimonies

Pope Francis' Preface for Ratzinger's Collected Works

Pope Francis has written the preface for the second volume of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's collected writings, on the theme "faith and politics."

From the Church and the Pope

Pain in My Right Knee

A favor shared by someone who sought Guadalupe's intercession after feeling a sharp pain in their knee.


"What happens to my freedom if I surrender it to God and, for his sake, to others?"

Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz at the Mass celebrated for the liturgical feast of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, in Rome.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages