Number of articles: 4713

Meditations: Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Lent.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Sunday of the Fifth Week of Lent (Year B)

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this season of Lent. The topics are: discovering who Jesus is; the Cross makes our lives complete; love and sacrifice for others.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Seventh Sunday of Saint Joseph (with audio)

Seventh reflection for the seven Sundays of Saint Joseph. The topics are: Jesus worked alongside Joseph; rediscovering the value of work; work and prayer, prayer and work.

Fostering Interior Life

Some clarifications on an article published in the "Financial Times Magazine"

Press Release from the Opus Dei Information Office in response to an article published in the Financial Times Magazine. It expresses "the desire to learn from mistakes made," as well as the need to "make some additional clarifications."

Press releases and statements

“We respect their voices and we're listening. That's our number one priority right now”

Since 2017, Kathryn Plazek (Pittsburgh, 1988) has been one of eight women on the Central Advisory, the consultative body that works with the Prelate, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, in the governance of Opus Dei. We spoke to her about some of the allegations made in the media by three women who had been part of the prelature.

Press releases and statements

Meditations: Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this Lenten season.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Some reflections that can assist our prayer during this Lenten season.

Fostering Interior Life

Letter from the Prelate (15 March 2024)

With Holy Week approaching, the Prelate of Opus Dei invites us to reflect on how we can make Christ present to others with our own life.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Meditations: Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Some reflections that can guide our prayer during this time of Lent.

Fostering Interior Life

"The human being is made for goodness"

In his 13 March general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about virtuous action.

From the Church and the Pope