Message from the Prelate (19 March 2018)

"Today especially, with the whole Church, we contemplate Joseph, that just and faithful man. Let us entrust ourselves to his intercession."

St Josemaría was moved by St Joseph’s simplicity and greatness: his life, that of “a craftsman from Galilee, just one man among many”, was closely united to the lives of Jesus and Mary. He saw in him the features of those who know they are called by God to live their everyday lives with Him, with everything that implies, including unforeseen events and worries. St Joseph lived under the same roof as God. Perhaps we may think that in this, he does not seem to be “just one man among many”. And yet, don’t we pray “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof”? And if we let Him, He comes in. And just one word of His is enough to heal us (cf. Mt 8:8).

Today especially, with the whole Church, we contemplate Joseph, that just and faithful man. Let us entrust ourselves to his intercession, so that he helps us to respond fully every day to the immense love of Jesus Christ, opening wide the doors of our house, our heart, to Him. And may that full response impel us more and more to serve others, to spread the joy of the Gospel.

Rome, 19 March 2018