Number of articles: 2552

The Pope to UNIV: "We contemplate Christ crucified"

At the end of his catechesis on the virtue of patience, Pope Francis greeted the young people at UNIV, who came to Rome for Holy Week.

Social initiatives

"The prudent person is creative"

In his 20 March general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about the virtue of prudence.

From the Church and the Pope

Teen boys and happiness!

Towards the end of 2022, a group of dads to teenage boys met on a Saturday after attending a recollection at Bugala Study Centre in Kampala. The question they set themselves to answer was “What can we do jointly to help our sons grow into men of virtue?” Our answer was a dads-run club for teenage boys.

Personal testimonies

The best book on St. Joseph ever!

A friend of mine invited me this year to join him in a 33 day consecration to St. Joseph. I'm generally not a fan of such, but because he asked, I decided to try it out. I came to learn he'd actually invited a good number of other friends. Last year he'd done the same with married friends of his, this year he invited those of us who were still single and searching - or "single and free to mingle" as we like to say.

Personal testimonies

"The human being is made for goodness"

In his 13 March general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about virtuous action.

From the Church and the Pope

Catwalks that Change Lives: Fashion can educate African women

Harambee and the COSO (Community and Society) Foundation, based in Valencia (Spain) held a design and fashion contest inspired by Africa, that highlights the culture of the continent and raises funds for scholarships to provide education for African girls.

Social initiatives

"Salvation comes through humility"

In his 6 March general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about pride.

From the Church and the Pope

My Mysterious Journey to The Catholic Church

The story of Onyekachi

Personal testimonies

Pope's Prayer Intention for March 2024

Let us pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world might imbue the Church with their courage and missionary drive. And to be open to the grace of martyrdom.

From the Church and the Pope

"The envious man is always sad"

In his 28 February general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechetical cycle on vices and virtues, speaking about envy and vainglory.

From the Church and the Pope