Quick Learner

​Early last year my wife and a group of women were involved in the preparation of the celebration of Mass in honour of St. Josemaria in Kisii at St. Charles Lwanga Cathedral. She was tasked with the preparation of altar flowers. She bought the flowers in Nairobi and travelled with them to Kisii.

Upon arrival, she started preparing the flowers into a bouquet in the parish compound drawing the attention of the people around as this is not common in the town. They were curious and the local catechist inquired what it was all about. She explained that they were for the mass of St. Josemaria whom It turned out he had never heard of. “And who was he?” he asked.

She explained, “He was a saint who was canonized in the 2002 who preached that you and I can become saints through doing our ordinary every day work well and for God” she explained.

“What kind of ordinary work?” he asked.

She explained, “Like now when I arrange these flowers well knowing that I am doing this for God; when a mother takes care to make a good meal for her family; when a father takes good care of his cows so as to support his family; when a student studies well; when a matatu driver drives well taking good care of his passengers; or whatever else we do St. Josemaria preached, will make us holy if we do it well and for God”.

She then offered him a prayer card of St. Josemaria and told him that he can ask for his intercession. He asked for one more for his brother who was at home and after lingering there a little he left.

A few minutes later she heard him teaching under a tree a group of catechumens among them women and children very articulately about holiness in ordinary work. He was telling them: “We can all be holy as St. Josemaria teaches when we do our work well. When you mothers cook well for your families you become holy. When you sweep your homes well and keep them clean you become holy. When you children study well or assist your parents at home well you become holy. This is how we shall go to heaven” he taught them.

She got impressed at how fast he had learnt.


St. Josemaria Prayer Card in Kisii