General and Regional Monthly Intention for Region of East and South Asia

The Prelate is suggesting that the faithful and friends of Opus Dei pray for this intention in a special way, from 2 October 2022 to 2 October 2024. The new region is also asking for prayers from 20 March 2023 to 2 October 2023.

General Monthly Intention

Let us ask the Lord for the grace to serve the Church with our whole life. To this end, let us pray cor unum et anima una (Acts 4:32), closely united to the Father, for the task the Pope has asked the Work to carry out in the motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum. Let us strive to promote, through concrete details, unity in our spiritual family and among all Christians, in order to serve the Church as the Church wants to be served. In this way, we will contribute to the evangelization of the world from the beauty of the charism received by St. Josemaría.


– St. Josemaría, Conversations, nn. 58-63.

– From the Father, Pastoral Letter, 19-III-2022, nn. 10-12.

Regional Monthly Intention

Let us pray to the Lord for the fruits of holiness and apostolate in the new region. The greater geographical extension can be for all of us an occasion to broaden our minds and enlarge our hearts, to grow in universal mentality and wider horizons, and to feel in a renewed way the help and the blessed weight of the communion of saints.

The changes and adjustments in the organisation of the means of formation are also a call to focus more joyfully, and with greater creativity and determination on the personal apostolate in the midst of each one's personal circumstances.

Let us strive in this new stage, as always, to give priority to people and to strengthen the bonds of fraternity and unity with everyone in the new region, remembering with gratitude that we share the same vocation and mission, that we are part of the same wonderful family, and we are all simultaneously sheep and shepherd.