Number of articles: 8

Celebrating "Sunday of the Word of God"

Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter "Aperuit illis," which establishes that "the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God."

"In the Psalms we learn the language of prayer"

Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer in his 14 October general audience. The Book of Psalms teaches us how to pray through the experience of dialogue with God.

Saint Raphael Meditation: Your Words are Spirit and Life

A meditation (guided prayer) about the nourishment we can draw from Sacred Scripture.

God's Books

An article on the relationship between Sacred Scripture and the Church's Tradition. "The Bible did not 'fall' directly from heaven, but it is the Church who presents it to us, assuring us that God speaks to us today through Sacred Scripture."

A Heart Enkindled by the Word: Sacred Scripture (II)

Sacred Scripture should take on ever greater importance as we advance along our Christian path, to the point that “we ‘breathe’ with the Gospel, with the Word of God.”

"Do You Understand What You Are Reading?": Sacred Scripture (I)

“Through Sacred Scripture, kept alive by the faith of the Church, the Lord continues to speak to his Bride." First part of a two-part article by Guillaume Derville on the importance of a faith-filled reading of Scripture for our interior life.

The use of Sacred Scripture in the writings of Saint Josemaria

By Scott Hahn. In a certain sense we can fully understand the accomplishments of St. Josemaría, or the graces he received, when we come to understand his use of the Scriptures.


Commentary on the Gospel: An Ardent Love for Scripture

Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Easter (Cycle B), and commentary.