Number of articles: 2166

"Jesus worked, and learned this craft from St Joseph"

In his 12 January general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on Saint Joseph the carpenter.

From the Church and the Pope

"If I were to relive my life, I would do exactly what I did."

Silvano Borruso was one of the first members of Opus Dei that St. Josemaria sent to begin the Work in Kenya. He arrived in September of 1960 and passed away on Saturday 1st January 2022 after a long illness. This is an abridged interview from Strathmore School on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the beginning of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

A friendship born out of prose and poetry

Desmond and Eric share a common interest in poetry and writing. What started out as a mere professional dealing has blossomed into a trusting and beautiful friendship.

Personal testimonies

Saint Joseph, Jesus' foster father

"I pray that no one feel deprived of the bond of paternal love." In his 5 January general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on Saint Joseph, Jesus' foster father.

From the Church and the Pope

"In my house it's Christmas all year round"

That's what Joseba would say when he exhibited his collection of almost 300 small nativity scenes from around the world. He used to open some of them to the public, share photos on social media, and celebrate the holidays with a montage of the Nativity scenes and music.

Personal testimonies

"The daily life of every person requires courage"

In his 29 December general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on Saint Joseph, describing him as a persecuted and courageous migrant.

From the Church and the Pope

"Lord, teach me to seek you"

In his final general audience before Christmas, Pope Francis spoke about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

From the Church and the Pope

Christmas Greeting from the Prelate (2021)

The Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, sends his blessing and wishes everyone a happy Christmas in this brief video with English subtitles.

From the Prelate

The Family that Cooks Together at Christmas Time

In 2008, my family started what is today a much-anticipated year-end tradition: a Christmas Holiday Cook-Off!

Recent News

Celebrating Christmas 2021

Some homilies, articles, videos and carols that can help us draw close to the Infant Jesus at Christmas time with the childlike piety of Saint Josemaria.

Recent News