Number of articles: 2165

"I feel God's strength and I am going ahead"

In his 23 November general audience, Pope Francis continued his cycle of catechesis on spiritual discernment, speaking about consolation.

From the Church and the Pope

Finding God in and through my family

Opus Dei arrived in Ireland 75 years ago, when a young Spanish engineer stepped off the ferry at Dun Laoghaire port, just outside Dublin City, to begin Opus Dei activities in Ireland. This is the first of a series of interviews commemorating the 75th anniversary.

Recent News

"You belong to the Lord and to his holy people"

25 faithful of Opus Dei have been ordained to the diaconate by Cardinal Lazarus You Heung-siken, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy, in the Basilica of St. Eugene (Rome). The text of the homily, remarks by Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, and a photo gallery.

Recent News

Remarks of the Prelate in the Ordination to the Diaconate (19 November 2022)

Remarks of Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei, at the end of the ceremony of ordination to the diaconate of 25 faithful of the Prelature, in the Basilica of St. Eugene, Rome, 19 November 2022.

Recent News

Homily of Cardinal Lazzaro You Heung-sik

Homily of the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy at the ordination to the diaconate of 25 faithful of the Prelature of Opus Dei, in the Basilica of St. Eugene (Rome), 19 November 2022.

Recent News

London Launch of "Opus Dei, A History"

The English-language version of "Opus Dei, A History" is being launched in London on 12 December 2022 at the Brompton Oratory.

Recent News

"A rousing of the soul"

In his 16 November general audience, Pope Francis continued his cycle of catechesis on spiritual discernment, speaking about desolation.

From the Church and the Pope

Message for the Sixth World Day of the Poor (2022)

Pope Francis wants the Sixth World Day of the Poor, this Sunday, to be "a moment of grace" for us to "make a personal and communal examination of conscience and to ask ourselves whether the poverty of Jesus Christ is our faithful companion in life.

From the Church and the Pope

"Dialogue is the oxygen of peace"

In his 9 November general audience, Pope Francis reflected on his recent apostolic journey to Bahrain.

From the Church and the Pope

Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain

Links to Pope Francis' homilies and addresses on his apostolic journey to the Kingdom of Bahrain 3-6 November 2022.

From the Church and the Pope