Number of articles: 811

The Others and I: Verses of the Same Poem

A new article in the series on forging a strong Christian personality. “No human life is ever isolated. It is bound up with other lives. No man or woman is a single verse; we all make up one divine poem which God writes with the cooperation of our freedom.”

Fostering Interior Life

Easter: "I have risen and am still with you"

"During this time the Church already experiences the joy that our Lord has prepared for us: 'something that no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived.'"

Fostering Interior Life

Matrimony and Prayer

"Marriage means leaving behind something you’re familiar with (single life) and entering into a world you may not be prepared for. That’s why prayer is so important." A new article in the series on marriage and courtship.

Fostering Interior Life

Choosing a Spouse

A new article in the series on marriage and courtship. "If marriage were about just a man and a woman perhaps it could be entered into with less foresight, but we are marrying the father/mother of our future children."

Fostering Interior Life

A Renewed Faithfulness

The feast of Saint Joseph highlights for us the beauty of a faithful life. "Saint Joseph was a faithful and just man because of the love that filled his soul and made him love the paths that God’s Providence had marked out for him."

Fostering Interior Life

Growth: A Family Project (2)

"In a bright and cheerful home, people treat one another in a simple and trusting way." A new article in the series on forming a strong Christian personality.

Fostering Interior Life

The Music That Comes from God

An article on singing and music in the liturgy. "True liturgical music is prayer; it is liturgy. It does not distract us, nor is it limited to providing us with joyful sensations or aesthetic delight. It helps us to be recollected, to place ourselves in the mystery of God."

Fostering Interior Life

The Doorway of Humility

God made Himself small, so that we might become great with the only true greatness: humility of heart. An article by Guillaume Derville on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

Serene Attentiveness: the Spiritual Works of Mercy

The spiritual works of mercy seek to provide for the many different ways the human heart experiences hunger and thirst, nakedness and helplessness, sickness and imprisonment: types of spiritual poverty we all suffer from.

Fostering Interior Life

His Mercy Endures Forever: At the Beginning of the Jubilee Year

A new series of articles on the place of mercy in the Gospel and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

Fostering Interior Life