Number of articles: 811

With Love In Our Eyes: Mercy and Fraternity

Saint Josemaria insisted that charity in a Christian should never be “official, dry or soulless,” but rather full of human warmth and affection. An article on Christian life written for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church.

Fostering Interior Life

Fashion, Style and Christian Formation

The way we dress can communicate many aspects of our personality. A truly human fashion can "help express the true beauty of the human person. Everything that is authentically beautiful is a reflection of the beauty of God."

Fostering Interior Life

eBook: “Working well, working for love”

The sanctification of work is at the heart of the message of Saint Josemaría. But what does it mean to sanctify our work? How is it done? We offer an eBook for free download with sixteen essays on this topic.

Fostering Interior Life

Christmas Time: The Light of Bethlehem

A new article about the Liturgical year. "Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, is born to illuminate our path on earth. He shows us the Father’s loveable face and gives us the Holy Spirit."

Fostering Interior Life

"In Spirit and Truth": Creating Unity of Life (I)

Unity of life is an essential feature of the spirit of Opus Dei. This article by Guillaume Derville, in 2 parts, explains what this means in practical terms.

Fostering Interior Life

Advent: Preparing for the Lord's Coming

"Advent invites us to stop and be silent, to take in the presence of God." A new article on the liturgical year.

Fostering Interior Life

Work At All Times

The beginning of one's working life and the end of it are two important stages in life that bring with them special challenges in striving to sanctify work.

Fostering Interior Life

The Soul Dances: Tiredness and rest (II)

"It is helpful to discover how to rest amid the small occurrences of everyday life." The second part of an article on the need to rest in the midst of a life of hard work.

Fostering Interior Life

What to Read? (II): Choosing the best

The second part in an article on the importance of fostering the habit of reading. "What we read does change us. It refines our soul or dulls it; it broadens our horizons or narrows them."

Fostering Interior Life

What to Read? (I): Our map of the world

“A good book is like a good friend. It will stay with you for the rest of your life." An article on fostering the habit of reading.

Fostering Interior Life