Number of articles: 811

Something Great That Is Love (IV): More mothers and fathers than ever

"The mission of parents is not limited to welcoming the children God gives them. It lasts their whole life, and has as its goal heaven." A new article in the series of vocation.

Fostering Interior Life

Ecumenism: Praying for Christian Unity

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins on January 18 and ends on January 25, feast of Saint Paul's conversion. An article on ecumenical dialogue by a well-known theologian.

Fostering Interior Life

Paths of Contemplation (with audio)

Setting out on paths of contemplation amid our daily life means letting the Holy Spirit shape Christ in us, so that His face is reflected in our features.

Fostering Interior Life

A Whisper in the Soul: the Silence of God

"With his silences, God makes the faith and hope of his own people grow. He makes them new, and with them He makes all things new." A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

Fostering Interior Life

Something Great That Is Love (III): Our true name

Responding to God's plan for our life reveals our true name to us. A new article in the series on vocation.

Fostering Interior Life

That Trinitarian Current of Love

"What does faith in the Blessed Trinity mean for our own life?" A new article in the series "Light of Faith."

Fostering Interior Life

Something Great That Is Love (II): What your life could be

"Today, at this very moment, God continues to seek and knock at the door of every person." Second article in a series on discerning one's personal vocation in life.

Fostering Interior Life

A Love That Embraces the World

Second of a two-part article on creation, in the series "The Light of Faith."

Fostering Interior Life

Something Great That Is Love (I): Jesus comes to meet us

First article in a series on discerning one's personal vocation in life, since God has a plan for each man and woman.

Fostering Interior Life

"Where God Wants Us": Creating Unity of Life (II)

The second part of a two-part article on the importance of attaining unity between our daily lives and the truths of the faith.

Fostering Interior Life