Number of articles: 811

Christian Mortification—Praying in Body and Soul

What is the true meaning of "mortification" in our Christian life. An article by Jutta Burggraf (PhD in Theology from the University of Navarre), who passed away in 2010.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: "If you knew the gift of God"

A meditation (guided prayer) on the need to foster wonder at God's grandeur and presence in our life.​

Fostering Interior Life

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (IX): Fear Not, I Am With You

In our life of prayer, difficulties and moments of darkness may arise. But we should have the certainty that God is especially close to us then.

Fostering Interior Life


What is celibacy? How did it arise in the Church? Who lives apostolic celibacy in Opus Dei and why? An article from the "Diccionario de San Josemaría," which is currently being translated into English.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: "My Sacrifice and Yours" – Living the Holy Mass

A meditation (guided prayer) on the meaning of the Holy Mass in our daily lives.

Fostering Interior Life

I Have Called You Friends (V): See What Good Friends They Are

A new article in the series on friendship. "Friendship is one of the 'divine paths on earth' that God has opened up by becoming a man, a friend of his friends."

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: Birthday of Our Lady

A meditation (guided prayer) on the Nativity of Our Lady, which the Church celebrates on 8 September.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation: the Virtue of Patience

Patience is the virtue that enables us to accept generously and peacefully, out of love for God, everything we find displeasing.

Fostering Interior Life

"Charity, the Hidden Meaning of Scripture"

August 28 is the memorial of Saint Augustine, one of the greatest Fathers of the Church. "Without charity the rich man is poor, and with it the poor man is rich."

Fostering Interior Life

Spiritual Reading

What is spiritual reading and what does it aim to achieve? Why did Saint Josemaría include this practice in the plan of spiritual life he recommended? An article from the "Diccionario de San Josemaría," which is currently being translated into English.

Fostering Interior Life