Number of articles: 1008

Film documentary: “The Faith at 20"

In this programe twelve young people talk about how they approach different aspects of Christian faith. The 27-minute documentary includes previously unpublished images of St Josemaria, and testimonies by young people from Paris, London, Barcelona, Rome, Chicago, New York and Buenos Aires. A copy was presented to Pope Francis by participants in UNIV 2013, during his first public audience. The documentary is produced by ISCOM and directed by Juan Martin Ezratty (Digito Identidad).

Christian Life

"I belong to a family"

"The faith for me is like a family," says Catherine, who lives in London. A new video in the series for the Year of Faith: "What faith means when you're 20."

Christian Life

"Setting the tone"

Do you have to get drunk to have a good time with your friends, or take drugs? Clement, who lives in Paris, talks about how his faith helps him find the right answer.

Christian Life

"Bringing God into my daily life"

Alessandra is an economics major at the University of La Sapienza (Rome). She talks about how she tries each day to remember that God is accompanying her at every moment. 4th video in the series "What faith means when you're 20."

Christian Life

“Faith leads to service”

Alberto is a university student in Argentina. His faith in Christ leads him to ask: “What can I do for others?” The 3rd video in the "What faith means when you’re 20" series.

Christian Life

“The Lay Faithful and the New Evangelization"

Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, Vicar General of Opus Dei, reflects on the role of lay people in transmitting the Gospel message, in light of Vatican II.

Christian Life

"Wanting to know more"

In this second video for the Year of Faith, Christina, from Chicago, says that "the core of all my actions has a richer vibrancy" when she strives to live her faith well.

Christian Life

"What faith means when you're 20"

A video-series featuring young people from various countries talking about how their faith influences their daily lives. In this first video, some of them say a few words about what faith means for them.

Christian Life

The Parents' Right to Educate their Children (II)

Parents are not the only ones with a legitimate concern in matters pertaining to education. Both the state and the Church, for various reasons, also possess inescapable obligations in this area.

Fostering Interior Life

Passing on the Faith (II)

Second part of an article on passing on the faith within the family.

Fostering Interior Life