Number of articles: 1008

Topic 7: Human Freedom

The Church sees freedom as an eminent sign of the divine image in man. Our participation in God’s beatitude is such a great good and so desired by divine Love that God has willed to take the risk of human freedom. In the moral sense, freedom is not so much a natural property of the person as a conquest, the result of education, of the moral virtues possessed and of God’s grace.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 8: Care for Creation

God has given human beings dominion over the world and has commanded them to exercise this authority. Care for the environment is a moral duty for each individual and for all humanity. Ecology is one of the areas in which dialogue between Christians and the followers of other religions is particularly important, so as to bring about mutual cooperation.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 11: The Witness of the Gospels

Jesus sent the apostles into the whole world to “preach the gospel to the whole creation” (Mk 16:15) The content of that Gospel is what Jesus said and did in his earthly life. The four accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the result of a long process of composition. The Gospels are not books that present Jesus as a figure of the past: they are a living word, and in them Jesus is always alive.

Doctrinal Articles

What is the social doctrine of the Church?

On the path of the salvation of each person, the Church is concerned about the entire human family and its needs, even in the material and social sphere. For this reason, it develops a guide, a social doctrine that forms consciences and helps the faithful live according to the Gospel and human nature itself.

Fostering Interior Life

September Recollection Kit (2022)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer when we look at our lives in God's presence. This guide can help us spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where we are.

Fostering Interior Life

“It is worthwhile!” (II): Blessed is the One Who Trusts in the Lord

Sacred Scripture does not give us a theoretical definition of fidelity, but rather tells us who is faithful.

Fostering Interior Life

Coronation and Queenship: Magisterium, Saints, Poets

We celebrate the feast of the Queenship of Mary on August 22. These texts from the Magisterium, saints, and Christian poets can help us contemplate the crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of the universe.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditations: 2nd Sunday after Christmas (Sunday of the Word of God)

Some reflections that can assist our prayer on the Sunday of the second week of Christmas.

Fostering Interior Life

New Mediterraneans (V): "To Jesus, Through Mary" (with audio)

As a young priest, Saint Josemaria grasped with new depth a truth he had always known. “Yesterday I discovered another Mediterranean: if I am a son of my Father God, then I am also a son of my Mother Mary.”

Fostering Interior Life

“It is worthwhile!”(I): A Force That Conquers Time

Fidelity is the virtue that arises in relationships between people – and therefore also with God – when we trust in the love of the other person.

Fostering Interior Life