Number of articles: 497

"A glass-bone child"

The attending physicians considered my daughter's condition critical and gave no hope for her survival.


My premature baby

I asked Montse to intercede and save his life.


A birthday present?

Yesterday was her birthday, and I asked her on that account.


My Dog Romulus

My dog Romulus, a three-month old puppy, had been sick for some time. We brought him to the vet twice, and then finally they kept him there overnight. It turned out that he had a rotavirus.


Decree of Heroic Virtues of Montse Grases

On the 26th of April this year, the Holy Father decided that Montse's Decree of Heroic Virtues should be published and so bring her one step closer to being Beatified. Here is a translation from the original Latin.


Dora del Hoyo: Memories of Saint Josemaria

Dora del Hoyo, whose cause of canonization has been opened, recalls her first memories of Saint Josemaria, in this interview done in 2000, four years before her death at the age of 90.


New priorities: with Blessed Alvaro's help

On 15 April 2014, Juan, a young trainer of show horses, had a serious accident when his horse fell on him and left him close to death. He and his family went to Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's intercession and, on recovering, he found that his priorities in life had changed completely.


An Order of 26 Cakes

I run a small bakery business out of my home, and my mother gave me Dora’s prayer card. I pray to Dora every day asking for her help in my business–that the cakes will turn out well, and that I will have plenty of orders. One Monday or Tuesday during Christmas time, I received an order of twenty-six cakes which had to be ready that Friday.


A House

I would like to share a favor I received from God through the intercession of Dora. We are a married couple with five children, ages ranging from 6 to 17 years old. A few years ago we decided to send our children to schools in Sternik. Our house is quite far from these schools, between 36 and 50 kilometers, and this commute was costing us much time and energy.


Tomás Alvira’s first meeting with St. Josemaría

The first meeting between Tomás Alvira and the Founder of Opus Dei took place during a very difficult time, as the civil war had broken out little more than a year before. It occurred in Madrid, in the midst of a religious persecution that had already produced many martyrs. Tomás used to go to the house of an old friend from the Chemistry Faculty of Saragossa, Josémaría Albareda.
