Number of articles: 497

Through Isidoro's intercession: "Deafness in my left ear was healed"

A year ago, Isidoro Zorzano was declared venerable by Pope Francis. We present a video testimony about a favor attributed to his intercession. Bruno from Brazil talks about how he was born deaf in his left ear. One day, he learned about Isidoro through the Opus Dei website and he decided to pray to him. A month later, something totally unexpected happened...


A wife for my son

I prayed the prayer card asking Dora to intercede so that my oldest son, who lives in the United States, would meet a nice girl.


Decree of Heroic Virtues of Isidoro Zorzano

On December 21, 2016, Pope Francis instructed that this decree on the heroic virtues of Isidoro Zorzano be published and transcribed in the acts of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints


"Everything changed when he met St. Josemaria"

An article by Philip Kosloski published in "Aleteia" about Fr. Joseph Muzquiz, whose cause of canonization was opened in Boston by Cardinal Sean O'Malley.


"What was Guadalupe like?"

When she was 19 years old, Mary Altozano met Venerable Guadalupe Ortiz almost by accident. It was an encounter that would impact the rest of her life. Sixty years later, Mary offers us her memories of Guadalupe.

Life and Stories

Documentary: "Ernesto Cofiño. All can be saints"

Dr. Ernesto Cofiño died on October 17, 1991. He dedicated his life to assisting those most in need and vigorously defending human life in his native Guatemala. His cause of canonization was opened in the year 2000.

Life and Stories

All Favors Big and Small

I would like to thank Dora because she always helps me when I ask her for things while I'm working...


Highlights of Alvaro del Portillo's Beatification

September 27 is the third anniversary of Alvaro del Portillo's beatification. A 36 min. video with highlights from the events in Madrid and Rome. With English subtitles. The video can be downloaded in mp4 format.


"I want what this lady has!"

Olga Medina worked with Dora del Hoyo for five years. She describes what she learned from watching Dora in action, and how Dora helped her approach her own work in a new, more profound way.

Life and Stories

The Most Unexpected and Surprising Solution

"Before going to bed, I intensified my prayers to José María. I remember shouting somewhat desperately, 'The boat! The boat!' as I finished. Hours later, in the middle of the night, my son-in-law's cell phone started ringing...
