Number of articles: 497

Formulas for Holiness

February 10 is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Considering Guadalupe’s passion for chemistry, we are starting a series on some of her “formulas” for how to face the problems affecting professionals today: lack of time, stress, restlessness, fear, sadness…

Life and Stories

Two intentions: health and a "dream job"

I was praying to Guadalupe for my sister's job search, after she lost her job a few months earlier. She is a chemical engineer, which is why I decided to seek Guadalupe's intercession.


Dora looks after my mother

My mother has no short-term memory, so if she loses something, it can be very difficult to find it. Unless we pray to Dora...


"Place yourselves before Christ and dialogue sincerely with Him"

With the World Youth Day taking place in Panama next week, we offer excerpts from a homily preached by Blessed Alvaro del Portillo to a group of young people in 1985.


Book-launch Event in Rome: Guadalupe's Letters

This past Tuesday, the new book "Letters to a Saint", a selection of the letters Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri wrote to Saint Josemaría, was presented to journalists in the Opus Dei Information Office in Rome.


Guadalupe, Official Intercessor of My Doctorate

The story of a number (58), a novena to Guadalupe, and the appointment as intercessor for a girl who does cancer research.


Photos of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri

A Flickr file with 53 high resolution photos of the future blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri.

Other resources

1,000 Christmas Baskets for the Poor

In a letter written to Saint Josemaria on January 9, 1960, Guadalupe Ortiz expressed her great joy in helping to distribute Christmas gifts to the poor in Madrid's outlying districts.

Life and Stories

To the Doctors’ Surprise

When my nephew was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, I started praying to Guadalupe. To the doctors’ surprise, the child finished treatment without any chronic conditions


Under the Protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe

When the first women of Opus Dei went to Mexico to start their apostolic work, they did not hesitate in placing themselves under the protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Among them was Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, who owed her name to this Marian apparition, whose feast day coincided with the day of her birth.

Life and Stories