Number of articles: 11

Protecting Children in the Digital World

Address by Pope Francis on 14 November in the interreligious Congress "Child Dignity in the Digital World."

Working on Trust (1): "More than Video Games"

"Working on Trust" is a series of videos intended to help parents in the education of their children. The videos draw upon the teachings of Saint Josemaria, who was passionate about freedom and the educational role of parents.

Recent News

eBook: “New Technologies and Christian Life”

We have gathered together in a free eBook five articles on how the new digital technologies can help us in our relationship with God and our neighbor.

Christian Life

"Child Dignity in the Digital World"

An address by Pope Francis to participants in a congress held in the Vatican on October 6, on the need to protect young people from some harmful effects of the internet.

Sailing Safely on the Digital Seas

"We need to accompany young people so that they acquire an upright conscience, and help them to prepare for the battles of daily life. Then they will mature and learn how to act in every environment with naturalness and Christian conviction."

Smart Phones for Young People: Pros and Cons

High school students everywhere struggle to control the use of their phones. The Headmaster of The Heights School in Washington DC offers some advice based on his extensive personal experience.

The New Technologies and Christian Coherence

"Christians see these new possibilities in the context of the positive exercise of personal freedom, as a force for growth and maturity in truth and goodness." An article on Christian life

Social Media and Personal Relations

The social networks are valuable if they foster truly human communication. An article on the virtuous use of the new technologies.

5 Tips from the Pope on the Internet and TV

During a recent encounter with young people in Sarajevo, Pope Francis gave some practical advice about the use of television, smartphones, computers, tablets.…

Interior Quiet in the Digital Age

Faced with all the "noise" of the new technologies, we need to foster the interior quiet that enables us to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in our soul. A new article on Christian life.