Number of articles: 116

The Pope's Work

In a get-together in Houston in 1988, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo recalls a meeting with John Paul II that showed his complete self-giving in the service of the Church.


Love for our Lady

"Our Mother in heaven deserves all the love our poor hearts are capable of," Blessed Alvaro del Portillo tells us in this excerpt from his May 1985 Letter.


Responding Joyfully to God's Will

A new excerpt from his Letters in the series "Praying with Alvaro del Portillo"


Our Lady's Power of Intercession

During a 1987 get-together with farm workers in Mexico, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo speaks about our Lady's great power of intercession before God.


Carriers of Christ

In a get-together in Houston in 1988, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo spoke about the importance of showing Christ to others through our own example.


Letter from the Prelate (April 2014)

The Prelate urges us to prepare ourselves very well for Holy Week, also by having devout recourse to the sacrament of Confession and helping others to do so.

Lent: a deep sense of reparation

"Let us give our mortification and penance (which have to be more intense during this time of Lent) a deep sense of reparation," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo advised us in a 1990 Letter.


​Beatification will be in Valdebebas Park, northeast of Madrid

Valdebebas, a new urban development site near the Spanish capital, will host the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in September. The website has details about the program, transport, etc.


Statements about Alvaro del Portillo

During the conference held in Rome March 12-14 for the centennial of Alvaro del Portillo, a number of people testified to his influence on their own life and on the life of the Church.


Praying with Alvaro del Portillo

For Alvaro del Portillo’s centennial year and his upcoming beatification on September 27, texts of his related to the liturgical seasons and important feasts will be offered here. The first is entitled “Lent and apostolate.”
