Inma, Spain: "Every decision has helped me understand who I am and where I belong"

Abi, Australia: "My life was full of stuff, but I wasn't fully happy"

Pedro, Argentina: "I was a numerary and I wouldn't change anything about my journey"

Mariana, Argentina: "I met Opus Dei through someone who is no longer in the Work"

Shiró, Kenya: "No man is an island... We need each other"

Laura, Spain: "I was a numerary for 25 years. I don't consider those years to have been wasted"

Heloiza, Brazil: "In gastronomy, I've found a way of serving and connecting with others"

Mónica, Bolivia: "Every change in life is a new opportunity to grow"

Eva, Spain: "I discovered that my vocation is to turn houses into homes"

Ilona, Finland: "I like to think of myself as someone with sisu"

Thiago, Portugal: "I want to make the most of life"

Sandra, Spain: "I’d lived 22 years of my life convinced that God didn’t exist"

Ale, Bolivia: "Thinking about my happiest moments, I remembered Opus Dei"

Luli, Argentina: "The Work helped me develop my own personality, never to shrink it"

María José, Spain: "I've learned to find meaning in every difficult decision, and I'm grateful"

Carol, Brazil: "The Work became an extension of my family"

Lidia, Bolivia: "I asked to join the Work and they said no"

Bek, Australia: "No one can say that they've reached the summit of learning how to love people"

Mariana, Argentina: "Following your conscience is the best thing for a healthy institution"

Ana Cecilia, Brazil: "I discovered that my dream could be multiplied"

María Ángeles, Spain: "When I look back, I believe I've lived a full life"

Kele, Argentina: "It's a gift from God to be able to enjoy what you have chosen"

Maria José, Spain: "Helping others is a way of giving back what I've received"

Mirian, Brazil: "Like a GPS, God is recalculating your path"

Dani, Bolivia: "Who doesn't have demands in life?!"

Renata, Brazil: "God is calling me in the world, and that's where I find my vocation"

Mercedes and Concha, Spain: "We always had the support we needed to take care of our siblings"

Andy, Argentina: "I bring the spirit of the Work with me wherever I go"

Andyara, Brazil: "I have learnt to grow through every challenge, even the toughest ones"

Carmen, Spain: "We want our children to be open"

Malina, Malaysia: "Seeing my friends take Communion was the beginning of my journey"

Cecilia, Canada: "Through my work, people feel loved and valued"

Manolo, Spain: "Faith is the most important thing. I'd be nobody if I didn’t offer everything I do"

Juan Eusebio, Spain: "The formation I receive in the Work is essential for me"

María, Spain: "My life is full of challenges, but I've never stopped fighting or smiling"

Fr. José, Spain: "Essential services"

Javier, Spain: "From this moment on, I'm starting fresh"

Alonso, Spain: "I told God, 'This is the last chance I’m giving you'"

Fr. Nicanor, Spain: "I love being a priest"

Eloisa, Spain: "Real love always leaves a trace"

Raquel, Spain: "The lama told me to go to Mass every day"

Juan and Lourdes, Spain: "The 'culture shock' of an imperfect, happy marriage"

The Saiz Serrano family: "Do your realize that you’re like Jesus? You have an adoptive father too"

Anaca, Spain: "I would like to unite the notes and form a symphony"

Marina, Spain: "I want to be an assistant numerary with everything I do"

Brenda, Great Britain: "Will you hold my hand at the end?"

Julia, France: Meeting Love made Man

Dora, Portugal: "They are happy on the path they have chosen"

Juan, Mexico: "A bricklayer who loves what he does isn't just another face in the crowd"

Sidnei, Brazil: "Everything works for the good, including when I lost my job"

Autimio, Brazil: "In Opus Dei, I learned to find God in little things"

João Carlos, Brazil: "I found God in my archeological excavations"

Francisco and Jonnatan, Puerto Rico: "Faith helps me look at the world with hope"

Cloti, Spain: "If I'm with you, I already have a family"