Number of articles: 354

"She was fulfilled, but in a different way"

This is the fifth of a series of interviews commemorating the 75th anniversary of Opus Dei coming to Ireland. In this episode, Ciara Mannion describes how she finds meaning everyday by loving others in and through her work. Ciara is a wife and mother of two living in Galway.

Personal testimonies

Preparing for World Youth Day 2023: "I know it's going to change me"

World Youth Day 2023 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 1 to 6 August. Four young Chileans talk about how they're preparing for the event.

Personal testimonies

Pau Morales: "I'm immersed in whatever I'm doing"

Pau is a musician and a painter, and he has a very personal relationship with God. In this video, he explains how he turns everything into prayer and finds joy in all of it.

Personal testimonies

"Queen of Husbands... pray for us": Stories from a Marian Family

"It was the presence of the Blessed Virgin that truly made our meeting meaningful." Twelve years after that first meeting, Luca and Maria share how devotion to Mary has helped them face the challenges of daily life.

Personal testimonies

"The lama told me to go to Mass every day"

Raquel Escudier, a mother of two from San Fernando (Spain), sought peace and balance. Her life took a dramatic turn when a Buddhist lama told her she needed to go to Mass every day.

Personal testimonies

Unlikely Friends: Andrew and Tony

“I’ve rarely been prouder of anyone.” In this series of interviews, pairs of friends from different parts of the world talk about how they met, what they value about each other, and how they navigate their differences.

Personal testimonies

"God gave me the undeserved gift of conversion"

"I felt that someone really cared about my soul and recognized my dire need to be reconciled with God through His Church." Magdalena, a young mother from the Philippines, talks about her journey to the Catholic Church.

Personal testimonies

Unlikely Friends: Léa and Marie-Maude

“I’ll never forget the first time I got in her car.” In this series of interviews, pairs of friends from different parts of the world talk about how they met, what they value about each other, and how they navigate their differences.

Personal testimonies

Unlikely Friends: Keagan and Trevor

“We’ve created a judgment-free (or ‘lighthearted judgment only’) environment in our friendship.” In this series of interviews, pairs of friends from different parts of the world talk about how they met, what they value about each other, and how they navigate their differences.

Personal testimonies

Work and Fatherhood: "God is there with me"

This is the third of a series of interviews commemorating the 75th anniversary of Opus Dei coming to Ireland. In this episode, Dr. John Kehoe explains how his medical work, marriage, and fatherhood were enriched when he met Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies