Number of articles: 353

Dony MacManus, artist changing society through culture

Dony is an Irish sculptor who started a school of arts in Florence. His aim is a revival of Western culture by bringing Christ back into culture.

Personal testimonies

Nic: discovering the real Opus Dei

Nic, a producer in Canada, talks about his discovery of the "real" Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

Angela Fortunato: public health administrator talks about finding her vocation

VIDEO: a public health administrator talks about finding her vocation as a numerary, God’s will and freedom, and learning to pray.

Personal testimonies

Dagmar: getting to know Opus Dei as a Lutheran

Dagmar, a Lutheran living in Canada, talks about her friendship with people in Opus Dei and getting to know its spirit through the lives they lead (3:02).

Personal testimonies

Searching for God in Kazakhstan

Pavel Koktishev is a student in Kazakhstan who also works in the field of television and is president of the youth branch of the Green Party (2: 22).

Personal testimonies

Sakura, a Catholic in Nagasaki

Sakura Kawaguchi lives in Nagasaki City. 28 years old, married and with one daughter, she assists Opus Dei and is grateful for the Christian formation that helps keep her faith enkindled.

Personal testimonies

Elizabeth Heil: art grad student talks about diversity in Opus Dei

VIDEO: an art administration grad student talks about finding Opus Dei, joining as a supernumerary, and diversity in Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

Laurent and Solange: Our Married Life and Opus Dei

Solange and Laurent are a young married couple from Paris with three small children. Both are members of Opus Dei. In this video they explain how their spiritual life helps to strengthen their love for one another (4:41’).

Personal testimonies

“Father, Can You Hear My Confession?”

Fr. Robert Weatherill, a priest of Opus Dei, talks about his experiences traveling on the train between Rome and Milan (2:36).

Personal testimonies

"It was as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders"

Martine Otou is from Cameroun and has been living in Canada with her family for a number of years. She tells how Opus Dei has helped her to recover inner peace and to make family decisions serenely.

Personal testimonies