Number of articles: 2157

Opus Dei and allegations of wealth and power

"The Da Vinci Code" falsely portrays Opus Dei as being focused on wealth and power. The reality is that Opus Dei is focused on helping people grow in their faith and integrate it with their ordinary activities, not on gaining power to implement some political agenda. Similarly Opus Dei and its members have great concern for the poor, which is an important element of the Christian faith.

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De-coding Da Vinci: Zenit interviews Amy Welborn on her new book

First, there was "The Da Vinci Code." Now there's "De-coding Da Vinci." The latter, by writer Amy Welborn, aims to debunk the errors that permeate the best-selling novel by Dan Brown.

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Catholic Church in London entrusted to Opus Dei

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor has entrusted the pastoral care of St Thomas More, Swiss Cottage, to the Opus Dei Prelature.

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Statement of the Diocese of Westminster on the Parish of St. Thomas More, Swiss Cottage

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A Call to Solidarity

Pope John Paul II has called for solidarity with the earthquake victims of the disaster in south and southeast Asia; the Church herself is moving to aid the people afflicted by this catastrophe.

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The Pope asks Our Lady to obtain peace and salvation for all

"With what a special blessing God referred to Mary from the beginning of time! Truly blessed, Mary, among all women!"

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2004: Moving forward in solidarity

The approaching end of the year is an occasion to summarize some social initiatives that were taken in 2004. They all have in common the concern to help others that is part of St. Josemaria's legacy: "Don't be indifferent to the pain of another person. That relative, friend, colleague--even someone you don't know--is your brother" (The Furrow, 251).

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Pastoral letter on the Eucharist from the Prelate of Opus Dei

"Jesus has remained in the Eucharist to remedy our weaknesses, our doubts, our fears, our anxieties; to cure our loneliness, our perplexity, our discouragement; to accompany us on our way; to uphold us in our struggle. Above all, he is there to teach us to love, to draw us to his Love." Read or download excerpts from Bishop Javier Echevarría's pastoral letter, written on the occasion of the Year of the Eucharist declared by Pope John Paul II.

From the Prelate

Pastoral Letter for the Year of the Eucharist

Bishop Javier Echevarría, then Prelate of Opus Dei, wrote this letter for the Year of the Eucharist proclaimed by Pope John Paul II for 2004.

From the Prelate

A firefighter and spiritual direction

Testimony of Paul Ybarra, a Los Angeles firefighter for nearly twenty years. He has three children, two of them adopted.

Personal testimonies