Number of articles: 1008

Topic 38: Ninth and Tenth Commandments

These two commandments help us to live holy purity (the ninth) and detachment from material goods (the tenth) in our thoughts and desires.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 37: Eighth Commandment

With the grace of Christ, who is the Truth, Christians can live a life governed by truth.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 40: "Our Father who art in heaven"

"If we pray the Our Father sincerely, we leave individualism behind, because the love that we receive frees us from it. The ‘our’ at the beginning of the Lord’s Prayer, like the ‘us’ of the last four petitions, excludes no one."

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 36: Seventh Commandment

The seventh commandment forbids unjustly taking or keeping the goods of one’s neighbor and wronging him in any way with respect to his goods.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 32: Second and Third Commandments

The second commandment prescribes honoring God's name, while the third requires keeping feast days holy.

Doctrinal Articles

eBook: “Summaries of Catholic Teaching”

This free eBook offers in several formats brief summaries of the teaching of the Catholic Church on key points of faith and morals, prepared by professors at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

Doctrinal Articles

The Faith, in a few words

This is the last video of the series "The Faith at 20": young people from various countries talk about how their faith influences their daily lives.

Christian Life

Leisure and Free Time (1)

"Free time possesses certain educational possibilities of its own, teaching children how to make good use of their freedom." A new article in the series on the family.

Fostering Interior Life

Cross and Resurrection in Work

"Both in Nazareth and on Calvary, Christ's work (and our own, in so far as we are united with him) is redemptive and sanctifying." A new article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."

Fostering Interior Life

Working for Love

"Sanctifying oneself in work means allowing oneself to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, who increases our capacity to love." 8th article in the series "Sanctifying our Work."

Fostering Interior Life