Number of articles: 1008

Topic 6: Creation

The importance of the truth about creation comes from its being the foundation of God’s saving plans culminating in Christ. Both the Bible and the Creed begin with a confession of faith in God the Creator.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 5: The Most Holy Trinity

Christians are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This is the central mystery of our faith and of Christian life.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 4: God's Nature and Action

The God we come to know through faith and reason is "spiritual, transcendent, omnipotent, eternal, personal, and perfect. He is truth and love."

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 3: Supernatural Faith

The virtue of faith is a supernatural virtue that enables us to assent firmly to all that God has revealed.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 2: Revelation

God wished to manifest himself as a personal Being through the history of salvation. He raised up and guided a people to be the custodian of his revealed word. Through that people he prepared the world for the Incarnation of his Word, Jesus Christ.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 1: The Existence of God

Can we know that God exists by reason alone? What are some of the main pathways for reaching God's existence. Can conscience and human freedom be paths to a personal God who loves us? These are some of the questions discussed in this summary of Catholic teaching.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 11: Resurrection, Ascension and Second Coming

Christ’s Resurrection is a fundamental truth of our faith, as St Paul tells us (cf. 1 Cor 15:13-14). Thereby God inaugurated the life of the future world and put it at the disposition of mankind

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 39: Prayer

Prayer is absolutely necessary for our spiritual life. It is, as it were, the “breathing” that permits the life of the spirit to develop.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 35: Sixth Commandment

"God is love" (1 Jn 4:8), and his love is fruitful. He wants human beings to share in this fecundity, by linking the procreation of each new person with a specific act of love between a man and a woman.

Doctrinal Articles

Topic 33: Fourth Commandment

The fourth commandment, "Honor your father and your mother," has a broader scope than its primary focus: the relationship between children and their parents.

Doctrinal Articles