100 Years Since St. Josemaría’s Priestly Ordination

28 March 2025 marks the hundredth anniversary of St. Josemaría’s ordination to the priesthood. Liturgical and academic events have been organized in Zaragoza, Perdiguera, and Rome. We also share a commemorative card, available to download in several languages.

On 28 March 1925, the last Saturday of that month, Josemaría Escrivá was ordained a priest at the age of 23 in the Church of San Carlos in Zaragoza. One hundred years later, various cities will commemorate this event with academic and liturgical events, both in Spain and in Rome.

Celebrations in Zaragoza and Perdiguera

In the Aragonese capital, a series of events have been scheduled on 27 and 28 March in celebration of Saint Josemaría’s priestly ordination.

27 March will see an academic event, with the Archbishop of Zaragoza, Bishop Carlos Escribano, welcoming attendees. The day will begin with a lecture by José Luis González Gullón, a priest and historian, on Saint Josemaría’s seminary years and ordination. This will be followed by a talk from Cardinal Lazzaro You Heung-sik, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy, reflecting on the holiness and mission of the priest. Later in the morning, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, will speak on the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of a priest.

In the afternoon, there will be a panel discussion on a priest’s universal heart. The day will conclude with a Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, open to all the faithful, in the same church where Saint Josemaría celebrated his first Mass in 1925. Later, a prayer vigil for priestly vocations will be held in the church of the Royal Seminary of San Carlos Borromeo, especially intended for seminarians, young people, and families.

The following day, 28 March, a solemn Eucharistic celebration will take place in the church of the Seminary of San Carlos Borromeo, offering thanksgiving for the fruits of priestly holiness.

These events, organized by the Biblioteca Sacerdotal Alacet, with the collaboration of the CARF Foundation and Omnes magazine, seek to give thanks to God for the gift that Saint Josemaría’s priesthood has been for the Church, in memory of his dedication and fidelity.

On that same Friday, 28 March, the Prelate will meet with priests, families, and young people who participate in Opus Dei’s formational activities.

Additionally, on 30 March, in the town of Perdiguera, an event will be held to remember the first steps in Saint Josemaría’s priestly ministry.

Commemorative prayer card

A commemorative prayer card has been designed for the occasion. It is available in 13 languages:

Download in English

Chinese   English  French   German   Indonesian 

 Italian   Japanese   Korean   Polish  Portuguese

 Russian   Spanish   Vietnamese

In Rome

On March 28, a Mass of thanksgiving will be celebrated at the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare, presided over by Msgr. Mariano Fazio, Auxiliary Vicar of Opus Dei. In the afternoon, Luis Cano, a member of the Istituto Storico San Josemaría Escrivá, will host a conference for priests.

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