Number of articles: 4652

Interview with Susana Wilson, mother of Jose Ignacio Ureta Wilson

Susana's prayers to Bishop Alvaro for the recovery of her son have been cited by the Holy See in Bishop Alvaro's beatification process, since Jose Ignacio's recovery has been declared medically inexplicable.


Leisure and Free Time (2)

"In hallowing the Sabbath, in 'creating' the festive day, God has wanted to associate all men and women with his loving gaze upon the world." A new article in the series on the family and raising children.

Fostering Interior Life

The Central Place of Home and Family in Human Life

For the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Cultural Center Harmica, an Opus Dei center in Zagreb, Croatia, a conference was organized on the topic “The Family in the Teaching of Saint Josemaria”.


Marriage: Icon of God's Love

In his Wednesday general audience on April 2, Pope Francis stressed the beauty of the sacrament of Marriage, and said that God's Love is "mirrored" in the union between husband and wife.

From the Church and the Pope

Letter from the Prelate (April 2014)

The Prelate urges us to prepare ourselves very well for Holy Week, also by having devout recourse to the sacrament of Confession and helping others to do so.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Lent: a deep sense of reparation

"Let us give our mortification and penance (which have to be more intense during this time of Lent) a deep sense of reparation," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo advised us in a 1990 Letter.


​Beatification will be in Valdebebas Park, northeast of Madrid

Valdebebas, a new urban development site near the Spanish capital, will host the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in September. The website has details about the program, transport, etc.


Sowers of peace and joy

Christians should take the peace of Christ to all peoples, says Bishop Alvaro.


Parish Church of Saint Josemaria in the Philippines

Built largely through the work of the local people, the parish church of Saint Josemaria Escriva was formally dedicated by the bishop of Tarlac and declared a diocesan shrine.

Recent News

Prayer to Saint Josemaría

Prayer for Saint Josemaría's intercession.

Devotion and Favors