Number of articles: 4651

"Holy Spouses, Holy Families"

Reflections on the final days of the Synod on the Family by Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles. "How many holy spouses there are, hidden saints of the everyday, in every time and every place in the Church."

Recent News

Ordination of 27 New Deacons

27 faithful of the Prelature will be ordained deacons on October 31 in Rome. The future priests include a Kenyan, two Americans, and a Filipino.

Recent News

Small - and Not So Small - Favors

I would like to describe a couple favors I've received. The first one was finding 20€ that I thought I had lost, and which appeared under a Dora del Hoyo prayer card. Since then, we've experienced many favors.


Stories about Saint John Paul II

For the feast of Saint John Paul II on October 22, we offer an interview with the Prelate of Opus Dei published in a recent Ignatius Press book with stories about the Polish Pope from those who knew him well.

From the Prelate

"Welcome Jesus in every child"

In his October 14 general audience, Pope Francis continued his teachings on the family, speaking about the promises we make to children.

From the Church and the Pope

Job Training in Africa's Largest Slum

A new college of technology with facilities for 800 students was recently inaugurated in a slum district just east of Nairobi, Kenya, where over a million people live in desperate poverty.

Social initiatives

Gaztelueta School: Holy See closes case, as allegations are unproven

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has released a final decision of Pope Francis dated 9 October 2015 to close the case of alleged abuse on the part of a former teacher at Gaztelueta School and asks that the “good name and reputation of the accused be restored.”

In the news

Saxum: a family spirit in the Holy Land

Testimonies from people all over the world on their hope that the Saxum project in the Holy Land will foster peace and a family spirit there amid the diversity of religious backgrounds.

Recent News

A Healthy Self-Esteem

A new article in the series on developing a strong Christian personality. "If we are to judge ourselves truthfully, we need to acquire self-knowledge. This is not at all an easy job and is in some sense a never-ending learning process."

Fostering Interior Life

St Josemaria and Sister Lucia of Fatima

While commenting on the custom of praying the rosary, Saint Josemaria recalls his friendship with Sister Lucia, one of the three visionaries of Fatima. "When I was in Portugal I went to see a friend of mine whom I love very much... It was Sor Lucia. It was great hearing her talk about the Rosary."

Pray with Saint Josemaría