Number of articles: 4652

"They helped me just by being themselves"

Valery, a 24-year old Italian who was baptized at the Easter Vigil this year, describes how she came to a better understanding of the faith thanks to the family of one of her classmates.

Personal testimonies

“Everyone found a place in his heart"

On May 12, liturgical feast of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz celebrated Mass in Saint Eugene's Basilica in Rome. Some extracts from his homily and photos of the ceremony

From the Prelate

A simple fix

I am a priest and I wanted to make a simple alteration to one of our liturgical vestments. Sewing was required, and I am not very good at sewing. After twenty minutes, as I was just finishing up, all the stitching came undone suddenly...


Mary, Mother of Mercy

"God’s special love for humble people contains a deep mystery. God is 'disarmed' by simple people; their language, seemingly so naive and inoffensive, 'put(s) down the mighty from their throne.'" A new article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

Canonization Homily at Mass in Fatima

On May 13, Pope Francis canonized Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco, during his pilgrimage to the shrine of Fatima. Here is the homily from the canonization Mass.

From the Church and the Pope

Message from the Prelate (10 May 2017)

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz invites us to accompany the Holy Father closely by our prayer on his trip to Fatima.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Dora and the Dignity of Work

"Daily work has the same dignity whether you are a neuro-surgeon or the lady dedicated to ironing clothes at home," writes Álvaro Sarmiento on the occasion of International Worker's Day, celebrated on May 1st.


"I learned that what you get from God is free"

Vivian is from Malaysia and she was baptized by Pope Francis at the Easter Vigil in Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, on April 15, 2017.

Personal testimonies

Intimacy in Matrimony: Spousal Happiness and Openness to Life

A new article in the series on married love. "Selfishness sooner or later reduces love to a mere satisfaction of instinct and destroys the bond which unites parents and children."

Fostering Interior Life

Interview with the Postulator for Cause of Guadalupe Ortiz

Fr. Antonio Rodríguez de Rivera, postulator for Guadalupe's cause, answers some questions related to the promulgation of the decree on her heroic virtues.
