Number of articles: 4637

An App for Novenas to Saint Josemaria

A new app with four novenas, for the family, for work, for the sick, and for forgiveness, is designed to make it easier to ask Saint Josemaria’s help for specific needs.

Recent News

Prelate's Pastoral Trips in July and August

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz will visit various countries in Europe during the next two months to be with the faithful and friends of the Prelature. Links to highlights and photos of each trip.

From the Prelate

Angelus Address on Feast of Corpus Christi

Address given by Pope Francis before praying the Angelus on the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

From the Church and the Pope

Novena for Work

Praying to Saint Josemaria

Devotion and Favors

Novena for the family

Praying to Saint Josemaria

Devotion and Favors

Novena for the sick

"Children. The Sick. — As you write these words, don't you feel tempted to use capitals? The reason is that in children and in the sick a soul in love sees Him." The Novena for the Sick, with many quotes from St. Josemaria's writings, encourages accepting suffering with a Christian spirit, uniting it to Christ's passion and death, and asks God for a cure if such be his will.

Devotion and Favors

"Holy souls are there – and not a few but many!"

In June 1974 Saint Josemaria had a get-together with a large number of people in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He reminded them that we are all called to holiness.

Saint Josemaría

Angelus Address on Trinity Sunday

Address given by Pope Francis before praying the Angelus on the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. “Mend your ways, heed my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace,” the Holy Father said, citing Saint Paul.

From the Church and the Pope

"Love in Action": Book by the Prelate in English

A book by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei, is now available from Scepter Publishers in English: "Love in Action: Loving God and Neighbor, A Twofold Commandment."

From the Prelate

The day came for sentencing

A relative by marriage ran a reasonably successful business. With the onset of the economic crisis he was made bankrupt and arrested for fraud.
