Number of articles: 4638

Guadalupe: Inspiration Behind Michoacán School

Lucina is the director and co-founder of a school in Mexico named after Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri. Started in 2013 and with a little over a hundred graduates, the school is making a big difference among the inhabitants of Michoacán.


"The Lord Jesus leads us into true life"

On Wednesday 13 June, Pope Francis began a series of catecheses on the role of the ten commandments in Christian life.

From the Church and the Pope

Sunday Mass in Wormwood Scrubs

"When Pope Francis declared a Year of Mercy starting in December 2015, it set me thinking about works of mercy. In a meeting with friends to discuss possible projects, someone mentioned how he used to go with a group of volunteers to a prison to attend Sunday Mass there with the prisoners."

Social initiatives

Miracle Approved for Guadalupe Ortiz's Beatification

Pope Francis has authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to issue the decree approving a miracle attributed to the intercession of Guadalupe Ortiz (1916-1975), a member of Opus Dei.


Chronology of Guadalupe's Canonization Cause

Following the authorization given by Pope Francis to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to publish the decree on the miracle attributed to Guadalupe’s intercession, we offer a list of the steps in the canonization cause of Guadalupe Ortiz


Interview with the Postulator of Guadalupe's Cause

As this step makes it possible to beatify Guadalupe Ortiz, Fr. Antonio Rodríguez de Rivera, postulator of her cause, answered some questions. What follows are parts of the interview that the postulator granted on May 4, 2017, when the decree on the heroicity of the virtues of Guadalupe was approved.


The Miraculous Cure of Antonio Jesús Sedano Madrid, attributed to Guadalupe's Intercession

The cure of a man who suffered basal cell carcinoma has been declared a miracle worked by God through the intercession of Guadalupe Ortiz.


Letter from the Prelate (8 June 2018)

The formation offered in Opus Dei is also addressed to young people, so that "they may be, now and for the rest of their lives, Christian leaven in families, jobs, and the whole of the immense field of human life in the middle of the world."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Reading Saint Josemaria in Chinese

Spring Publications in Hong Kong publishes the writings of St Josemaria in Chinese. Lucia Kwong describes some of their creative initiatives at the annual Hong Kong book fair.


Masses for Feast of Saint Josemaria (2018)

Some of the bishops celebrating Masses for the feast of Saint Josemaria in the United States this year are Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York; Bishops Edward Burns of Dallas, Brendan J. Cahill of Victoria, Texas; Bishop Richard J. Malone of Buffalo; David Kagan of Bismarck, North Dakota; Bishop Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles; and Bishop Enrique Delgado, auxiliary bishop of Miami.

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