Number of articles: 995

Bethlehem Ever Present in the Tabernacle

During the Christmas season, we see the Three Wise Men bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. What can we bring the Christ Child? We can offer him the work of all human activities.

Fostering Interior Life

Working Conscientiously

We offer the third in a series of articles on how to sanctify our daily work in light of the teachings of St. Josemaria.

Fostering Interior Life

Work and Rest

God wants us to work hard to help build up his creation, but also to rest. We offer an article that draws on the teachings of John Paul II and St. Josemaria on this topic.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Paul and the Eucharist

We conclude the series of videos on the Apostle St. Paul with one on the Eucharist, the greatest gift Paul brought to the new Christian communities (02’15”).

Christian Life

Saint Paul and Work

This month’s new video for the Year of St. Paul speaks about the essential role of work in the Apostle’s teachings (02’02”)

Christian Life

St. Paul and the First Christians

Prof. John Wauck speaks about the Apostle's concern for the first Christian communities. A new video for the Pauline Year (03’16’’).

Christian Life

St. Paul and Christ’s Divinity

Prof. Bob Gahl speaks about St. Paul’s deep conviction that Christ is the Son of God, the Lord and Messiah. A new video for the Pauline Year (01’46’’).

Christian Life

St. Paul and Charity

"If I don't have love...." Without charity, without love for others, our actions have no meaning. Professor Carla Rossi speaks about St. Paul's beautiful hymn in praise of charity (2'44").

Christian Life

Saint Paul's Letters

Professor Bernardo Estrada speaks about the heritage St. Paul transmitted to all Christians through his letters to the first Christian communities (02’50’’).

Christian Life

St. Paul, Tireless Preacher

The monthly video on the Apostle to the Gentiles focuses on St. Paul's apostolic activity: "Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel" (02'12").

Christian Life