Canonization videos

Three new videos of St. Josemaría’s canonization are now available in English, from EWTN, Midwest Theological Forum and Scepter Publishers.

“Canonization Mass of Saint Josemaría Escrivá”

This three-hour video presents the entire Mass of the canonization, as it was seen on EWTN on October 6, 2002. The video sells for $25.00 and can be obtained from the EWTN Religious Catalogue at (Item # HVCJE) or by calling 1-800-854-6316.

“Celebrating a Life: The Canonization of St. Josemaría”

This eighteen-minute video recounts the celebration of October 6, 2002 and features interviews with pilgrims from all around the world, sharing what the new saint means to them. The video sells for $20.00 and can be obtained from Midwest Theological Forum by visiting or by calling 1-312-421-8135.

“The Saint of Ordinary Life: the Canonization of Josemaría Escrivá”

This twenty-three-minute video by Alberto Michilini presents highlights of the canonization and of Masses of Thanksgiving in various languages around Rome in the days after the canonization. It is now available from Scepter Publishers at or 1-800-322-8773.