Number of articles: 4852

Novena to the Venerable Montse Grases

Fr Francisco Faus has written this Novena to enable readers – especially young people – to get to know Montse Grases better and to ask her intercession for favours.


Pope Francis Receives New Prelate in Audience

Today at 12.15 pm, the Holy Father received the Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, in an audience, accompanied by the Vicar General, Monsignor Mariano Fazio.

From the Prelate

Stories about "The Way"

The book written by Saint Josemaria with 999 brief considerations has now sold over five million copies since it was published in 1934. To mark this milestone, we will offer a number of personal stories about “The Way,” recounted by people who thanks to the book have discovered Christ.


Growth: A Family Project (2)

"In a bright and cheerful home, people treat one another in a simple and trusting way." A new article in the series on forming a strong Christian personality.

Fostering Interior Life

Photos of Ordination of Two New Deacons

On February 25 in Rome, two faithul of the Prelature were ordained to the diaconate in the parish of Saint Josemaria. They were ordained by Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. They will be ordained priests in 6 months time.

Recent News

Message for Lent 2017

"Lent is the favorable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in his word, in the sacraments and in our neighbor." Pope Francis reflects on the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in his message for Lent this year.

From the Church and the Pope

Saxum Around the World

A 5-minute video on how the soon-to-open Saxum project in the Holy Land is already having an impact all over the world.

Recent News

The Music That Comes from God

An article on singing and music in the liturgy. "True liturgical music is prayer; it is liturgy. It does not distract us, nor is it limited to providing us with joyful sensations or aesthetic delight. It helps us to be recollected, to place ourselves in the mystery of God."

Fostering Interior Life

Japan's Great Revenge

Hisae Saki, a supernumerary of Opus Dei living in Nagasaki, talks about her mother's memories of the bombing of Hiroshima, her own conversion and marriage, and Blessed Alvaro's visit to Japan in 1987.

Personal testimonies

Women in Opus Dei (14 February 1930)

In this brief video, several women speak about their vocation to Opus Dei, a call by God that gives new meaning to the events of each day.

Opus Dei