Number of articles: 107

My Friends The Street Guys

Eastlands College of Technology was set up as a club and eventually a college for Jua Kali workers in Nairobi.

Social initiatives

An Opportunity for Families

Jack and his family live in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. He gives some tips on how they have been coping with the lockdown, which has been a great opportunity to grow as a family

Personal testimonies

An African Challenge

Many diocesan priests from around the world who go to study in Rome, as did Fr. Imo, would reside in the Collegio Sacerdotale Altomonte during the course of their studies.

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Corruption is sweet but destroys

For the past few months the Kenyan Catholic bishops have launched a campaign against corruption. Its success will depend on how each one of us behaves when this kind of temptation comes our way. Below are ideas and examples of how some people have managed to stop this “pandemic”, possibly worse than COVID-19.


An African Challenge

Many diocesan priests from around the world go to Rome to study at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Kenyan priest Fr. Imo talks about his "Roman adventure" and his desire to learn how to better serve people back in Kenya.

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Saint Raphael Meditation for 5 July 2020

During these weeks, we will publish some meditations in audio format, preached by priests in Kenya to young people, which can help strengthen our life of prayer.

Fostering Interior Life

Creating Jobs in Nairobi During COVID-19

Amid the ongoing pandemic, the life of the poor in Nairobi has become even more painful. One person recounts what he has tried to do to meet some of their more pressing needs.

Personal testimonies

A God of surprises

In a recent interview with Olga Marlin, author of To Africa with a Dream and Our lives in his Hands, she started off by saying that “God, is a God of Surprises!”. Below is an excerpt of that interview

Opus Dei

Saint Raphael Meditation for Corpus Christi

During these weeks, we will publish some meditations in audio format, preached by priests in Kenya to young people, which can help strengthen our life of prayer.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Raphael Meditation for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

During these weeks, we will publish some meditations in audio format, preached by priests in Kenya to young people, which can help strengthen our life of prayer.

Fostering Interior Life