Number of articles: 4962

"We are on the threshold of Holy Week"

March 23 is the twenty fourth anniversary of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo's death. An excerpt from a letter he sent to the faithful of the Prelature on April 1, 1993.


List of Articles on Faith and Christian Life

Here are all the articles on Christian life available on this website, with other helpful resources for getting to know the Catholic faith better.

Christian Life

Christ Reveals the Father's Mercy

"Divine mercy, which God revealed throughout the history of the Chosen People, shines brightly in the Word Incarnate." An article on mercy in Sacred Scripture, for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church.

Fostering Interior Life

Quick Learner

​"Early last year my wife helped to prepare a Mass in honour of Saint Josemaria at Saint Charles Lwanga Cathedral in Kisii (a community of Bantu people in southwestern Kenya)."

Saint Josemaría

Message from the Prelate (19 March 2018)

"Today especially, with the whole Church, we contemplate Saint Joseph, that just and faithful man. Let us entrust ourselves to his intercession."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"No to Corruption!"

Pope Francis has released a video message accompanying his monthly prayer intention for February 2018. This month’s intention “Say ‘No’ to Corruption” is that those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.

From the Church and the Pope

An inspirational doctor

A special award to encourage young doctors has been launched in honour of a member of Opus Dei who passed away last May

Personal testimonies

Guadalupe's Help in Paying Back a Debt

While under pressure to pay a debt, I learned that Guadalupe had been declared venerable.


"All generations shall call me blessed": Our Lady in the Liturgical Year

“In celebrating this annual cycle of Christ’s mysteries, holy Church honours with especial love the Blessed Mary, Mother of God, who is joined by an inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son."

Fostering Interior Life

Ordinary Time: Sunday, the Lord's Day and Day of Joy

"The celebration of Sunday has a festive tone because Christ has conquered sin, and he wants to conquer sin in us."

Fostering Interior Life