Number of articles: 275

"How could I not bless human love?"

“I bless human love with both of my hands as a priest,” said St. Josemaría. He also recommended that spouses argue as little as possible and always make up at the end, asking one another for forgiveness (2:32).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: "Let your heart go"

When speaking with God, St. Josemaría advised, “don’t choose your words. Just as when you speak with your wife and your children, or with people you love… Let your heart go” (2’42”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

“Broken, but still of use”

Even a broken soup bowl was a topic for St. Josemaría’s prayer. He said he was like a soup bowl, broken by sin and repaired—thanks to confession—to continue serving sound nourishment to others (1:58).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Episodes from St Josemaria's Childhood

Saint Josemaria had an inkling at an early age that God had something important in store for him. This segment from an Italian animated film (with English subtitles) about St. Josemaría's early life presents some episodes from his youth.

Stories from His Life

St. Josemaría’s Legacy on Anniversary of his Canonization: “Be holy”

St. Josemaría Escrivá was canonized on the 6th of October, 2002. From 1928 until his death in 1975, he preached that all men and women are called to holiness. His statue in the Vatican reminds thousands of Catholic faithful of this message (1:40').

Stories from His Life

Historical-Critical Edition of “Holy Rosary”

This is the second book by Saint Josemaría Escrivá (after “The Way”) to be placed in its full historical context. “It is a book,” some have said, “that the heart grasps immediately.”

Recent News

St. Josemaría: How can we live if we aren’t in love?

Without love, life wouldn’t be worth living. Therefore St. Josemaría counseled: “Fall madly in love,” both when our love is in heaven and when it’s on earth (0’58”).

Pray with Saint Josemaría

St. Josemaría: Caring for the Sick

Those who care for the sick have an opportunity to live charity and to exercise patience.

Pray with Saint Josemaría

Newman and Escriva

An article published at the online journal Church Forum. The author stresses the importance given to the role of the laity in the Church by both soon-to-be Blessed John Henry Newman and Saint Josemaria.

Recent News

The donkey and young Josemaría

Rete 4, an Italian television station, recently aired an animated program on the early life of St. Josemaría Escrivá. This fragment shows how the young boy comes to understand the value of work by seeing a donkey hard at work (02'03'').

Pray with Saint Josemaría